(read more on Brilliant)

In this type of a puzzle, we need to fit the pieces together to meet given conditions. Almost like Tetris, but we don't have to cover the entire board.

The strategy is to look first at each condition and assess all possible scenarios, and then look for contradictions in order to eliminate choices that don't work.

Let's look at the conditions one by one:

1. K touches W and G (possibly, diagonally).

First, notice that because of the shape of the piece that contains G, there is only one way it can connect with the piece containing K in a way that K and G are touching:

Can you find all scenarios of where the piece containing w can go?

 Now it will be much easier to check other conditions.

2. F touches L and Z (possibly, diagonally).

Notice how in all four possible scenarios above F and L already touch. Now we only need to connect the piece containing Z. Remember that we are on a 4 x 4 grid and cannot go beyond it:

3. X does not touch K, even diagonally.

Let's eliminate scenarios that contradict this condition:

Wow! Do you see that? Only two scenarios left.

4. Y is in a row below K's row.

Only one of the two scenarios fit, and that will be our answer: