(Deirdre Fitzpatrick for KCRA)

What's more important? Being really smart or being really hard working? Shaan Patel will likely say the latter. 

One test changed Shaan's life. That test was the SAT and he got a perfect score. Shaan is in the .02% of people who've gotten a perfect score on the test.

How'd he do it? He cracked the code. Is he a genius? Shaan says no. He's just a guy who likes to figure things out, and that drive has propelled him as an entrepreneur who caught the attention of Mark Cuban on "Shark Tank" after he created "Prep Expert," a test prep program to help other kids crack the SAT too. Years later, Shaan is now a dermatologist and "Prep Expert" is his side hustle. 

Shaan's secret? He works hard and he's endlessly curious. Those skills are crucial to keeping your sanity and your business going in a pandemic. 

Oh, and he's hilarious. 

On this Dying to Ask podcast: 

  • How a kid who grew up in a Las Vegas motel figured out the secrets of the SAT.
  • The doors that instantly opened up once Shaan got a perfect score and that continue to open years later.
  • What it's like to have Mark Cuban on speed dial since the two went into business together thanks to "Shark Tank." 
  • And, Shaan's advice on how to keep your sanity and your creativity during the pandemic.

How to listen:
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