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October 4th at 7 pm EST The U.S. National Commission on Mathematics Instruction (USNC/MI) which is part of the National Academies of Sciences, presents a talk where mathematicians will share how we work with our students and teachers using ethnomodeling to explore the artifacts, history and use of mathematics in our community. As well, our work related to how we look at the mathematics found in out of school contexts will be shared. This includes: the Ouro Preto Math Trail, a study on coffee production and a street fair. Future studies are working on the history of Afro-Brazilian contributions to engineering and science in the context to the gold mining that occurred here over a period over 200 years in Ouro Preto, rug weaving, and two studies related to the work of Antônio Francisco Lisboa (Aleijadinho).

  • Date:10/4/2021 04:00 PM
  • Location Online Event